Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mod Podge candle holders

Craft #4 Day #7

This is a very simple craft so easy to do and you can do it in no time at all. You can customize them however you want for any occasion or for any person. Everyone needs candles in their house so you should have nice custom holders that fit your personality.

Supplies and Cost:
Modge Podge $5
Candle holders (or glass jars) got mine for $2 for a pack of 4 at IKEA
Scissors $3
Paint or sponge brush $1
Pictures from a book, magazine, or printed from computer. You could also use tissue paper, comic book or anything else that is paper and laying around your house.
At most this should cost you $11 but you can make TONS with how much mod Podge you get.

So all I did was google search the image I wanted to put on the jar. I looked up lobsters because a good friend of mine loves them and I was making them for her. I think Ill make some for myself later and do pages from a dictionary.  So I copied and pasted and printed the images out. 

I then cut everything out. 

Applied Mod Podge to the jar.

Put the picture on top of the Mod Podge and put more Mod Podge over the picture.

Do that to all the jars and apply a few coats on and let dry. Once they are dry you have a great custom gift for anyone.

Time: The time of this project is almost none at all I would say depending on how much of the jar you were going to cover it would take between 5-15mins.

Tip: if you plan on putting candles in the jar DO NOT mod podge on the inside of the jar it would be a safety hazard in anyone home.

If you have any questions comments or tips please leave them below.

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